Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 - 7:18 p.m.

i can�t fucking wait for the sun to come up and the earth to shift on its axis and the season to change and the days to take me closer and faster towards the moment when i can decry the inevitable and i say i will make my own way and take my own steps and make my own choices and take chances that are bigger than me

all for the fortune to hold in my hand a mystery i will never unravel but i�d like to spend the rest of my days trying to puzzle out an answer that leads to more questions and whispering late into the darkness and dawns that make it all new again and ready to begin because otherwise what else is there to live for

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Hobbies. - Friday, Feb. 24, 2006
The doormat said Welcome to Stockholm. - Monday, Dec. 19, 2005
No. - Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005
Walking. - Sunday, Oct. 23, 2005
Missed. - Friday, Oct. 14, 2005

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Image: Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still #66